
What is the Price of Data on the Dark Web?

Every online transaction generates a wealth of personally identifiable data and user information. This information includes credit card details, email IDs, passwords, phone numbers, social security numbers, addresses, buying behaviour, and app usage frequency.

Cybercriminals are always looking for such data, as there is a massive demand for it on the dark web. This article will provide insights into the price of data on the dark web price index. It will also highlight how cybercriminals steal victims' data and how to protect sensitive information from threat actors.

What Exactly Are Data Breaches?

A data breach is a violation wherein cybercriminals gain entry to online accounts, systems, and services to access sensitive, confidential, or protected data. Such an illicit action is also called "information disclosure" or a "data leak."

According to Verizon's Data Breach Report, 86% of data breaches are about monetary benefits; organized criminal groups are behind 55% of all violations.

Data theft is a phenomenon carried out by cybercriminals to steal digital information stored on servers, computers, the cloud, or any other electronic device. They steal and sell confidential information on the dark web or compromise privacy to blackmail.

Price of Data on the Dark Web

There is no set price on data on the dark web. Some believe it spans as high as US$2,000, while others put it around US$800. Everything sells on the dark web, from PayPal login credentials to fake passports and Facebook profile data to credit card details. According to the Dark Web Price Index—compiled by Privacy Affairs—the estimate of the price of data for different products in 2023 and beyond is:

  • Credit card details and associated information: Between US$17 and US$120 per piece of information 

  • Hacked Facebook accounts: US$45 each

  • Stolen online banking logins: US$50 

  • Online banking login information: US$65 

  • Hacked web and entertainment services, like Netflix or Uber: US$40 

  • Cloned VISA with PIN: US$20 

  • Stolen PayPal account details, minimum US$ 1,000 balance: US$20 

These low prices, coupled with high demand, incentivize cybercriminals to abscond with valuable data on a daily basis.

How Do Cybercriminals Buy Personal Data on the Dark Web?

Cybercriminals mostly purchase the data they find relevant to their objectives. Suppose attackers want to perform a phishing attack on a target victim: they will buy the data related to their attack, such as the victim's phone number, address, the organization where they work, bank details, and other PII. 

The data price depends on the kind of information the attacker seeks to purchase and from which dark web portal. Again, the cost of data on the dark web depends on supply and demand. To make matters more difficult to track, these transactions primarily happen over Western Union, Bitcoin, or other popular cryptocurrencies. 

The Different Ways Cybercriminals Steal Information

Cybercriminals use various tools and techniques to steal login credentials, personally identifiable information (PII), and other sensitive details of users and organizations. These include:

  • Malware

One of the most popular ways to steal personal details, sensitive files from enterprises, or PII from healthcare firms is through malware. Malware (malicious software) is an illegal program that cybercriminals design and deploy on target individuals (general internet users or enterprise professionals). 

  • Social engineering

Another well-known way to access an individual's data and credentials is through social engineering. Attackers use social engineering techniques like phishing, smishing, piggybacking, shoulder surfing, spamming, honey trapping, or baiting to masquerade as legitimate individuals and extract details. 

  • Keylogging

Many cybercriminals use keyloggers to record keys tapped on the victim's system to steal login credentials and personal details. Sophisticated cybercriminals bind keyloggers with legitimate files and upload them to websites. 

Preventive measures against data leakage on the dark web

  • Always remain vigilant while sharing data on any platform or service.

  • Stay alert while linking your official email to any online service or website.

  • Use anti-malware and antivirus programs enabled in your system.

  • Use multi-factor authentication (especially biometric or hardware tokens).

  • Keep a habit of changing passwords after a month or two.

  • Always stay alert while sharing your social security numbers or bank details.

  • Never open emails or download attachments from unknown senders.

  • Enterprises should train professionals in identifying cyber threats through cyber drills and security training. They can hire expert professionals like Packetlabs for training and guidance.


With the dark web's presence only continuing to grow, organizations must stay vigilant regarding their personal and employee data.

Ready to uncover zero-day malware, trojans, ransomware, and other anomalies that may go unnoticed in standard automated vulnerability scans? Book your Compromise Assessment today or reach out for a customized quote.

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