
Packetlabs At SecTor 2017 Conference

Now entering its 11th year, SecTor has built a reputation of bringing together experts from around the world to share their latest research and techniques involving underground threats and corporate defences. The conference provides an unmatched opportunity for IT Professionals and Managers to connect with their peers and learn from their mentors.

SecTor conference is an annual event where IT professionals from across Canada come together in Toronto to learn and network with the world’s most innovative, intellectual, exciting and entertaining security professionals. SecTor is security training at its best.

SecTor was created by founders of TASK, North America’s largest and most successful IT security user group. After many years of attending IT security events in the United States and being disappointed that no similar event existed in central Canada, the decision was made to fill the void. The conference brings together experts from around the world to share the latest research and techniques. In a non-threatening and productive way, SecTor sheds light on the underground threats and mischief that threaten corporate and personal IT systems. Through identifying, discussing, dissecting and debating these digital threats, the strongest defenses can be mounted.

Learn more about their mission here.

From November 13-15, Packetlabs will be sponsoring the SecTor tradeshow to support the latest research and mentorship the industry has to offer. We will be bringing with us expert-level experience in the field, specializing in protecting organizations from cyber-attacks using application security testing, penetration testing, objective-based penetration testing and security consulting.

According to the Verizon Data Breach Report, 82% of organizations are hackable within minutes. Armed with this staggering information, our goal is to educate organizations on the ways in which their online security can be compromised, validate implementations of high-security networks, and ensure they are not passive victims of potential attacks. Our consultants have experience helping clients across many industries in both the public and private sector test and strengthen their online security – from websites and mobile applications to high-security networks and backend infrastructure.  We work to protect your most valuable online assets – your intellectual property and customer data.

Will you be attending SecTor from November 13-15 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre? Use code Packetlabs2017 for 10% OFF admission!

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