
How to Improve Your Internal Audits

Internal auditing is being challenged by emerging technologies, which are posing difficulties for traditional approaches. Is your internal audit department equipped with the proper people and technologies to address new hazards posed by IT innovations?

Emerging technologies are changing the world as we know it. They are revolutionizing the way we conduct business by digitally transforming every sector and niche imaginable. They're assisting us in redefining our business models through innovative ways of computing, such as mobile computing, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, and even small-business automation.

While new products make our lives easier and save time, they also present new risks and vulnerabilities. Each software or equipment vendor organization has its own way of evaluating and implementing cybersecurity safeguards. Most vendors, on the other hand, place a higher emphasis on developing items than testing them.

Internal auditing and penetration testing must continue to expose risks and vulnerabilities as new, cutting-edge technologies emerge. 

What Is Internal Auditing Penetration Testing?

Internal auditing, in a nutshell, demonstrates an organization's level of preparedness, especially with respect to industry standards such as ISO 27001, ISO 9001, and ISO 14001. Internal penetration testing is typically included in an IT audit. 

However, penetration testing may also be used as a stand-alone activity to reveal weaknesses in your cybersecurity protection. Internal auditing penetration testing is the practice of performing penetration testing on one's own IT infrastructure. Regular IT infrastructure or objective-based penetration testing may be referred to as internal auditing penetration testing.

In the long run, carefully evaluating new technologies' risks and performing penetration testing to expose and address them may save you a lot of money on equipment purchases, cybersecurity software, professional staffing, and so on. Armed with strong reporting from internal auditing penetration testing, you make investments as needed to strengthen your cybersecurity posture. 

How Can You Ensure a Successful Internal Audit in a Changing IT Environment?

1. By Successfully Fusing Technology and Talent

Organizations that are quickly adopting modern technologies are also considering the impact of these acquisitions on their talent model. The diversification of needs should not be neglected. It is important to consider your organization's talent pool and maturity level when making technology choices. Upskilling employees is frequently needed to become competent with new technologies and use them in internal audits.

Cybersecurity and data analytics are the most sought-after technology skills in a majority of Canadian organizations. These two skillsets require higher investment or frequent upskilling to meet internal audit needs in the contemporary technology landscape

2. By Identifying the Right Technology

Take a look at these four key factors that will make it easier to embrace new technologies:

  • Intelligent Automation and AI:

     Companies harness the power of intelligent automation and AI to reduce costs and increase efficiency. Too much machine data to be reviewed manually presents an audit risk; AI is the answer to analyze voluminous machine-generated data meaningfully.

  • Blockchain:

     Blockchain can help you conduct reliable audits because it acts as a digital ledger to capture transactions between various parties on a network; Blockchain information ensures audit integrity; so, it prompts higher trust levels.

  • Cyber Resilience:

     There is no doubt that awareness around cybersecurity has grown recently, but still, there has been an overall rise in cyberattacks. This rise emphasizes the importance of continuously improving cyber resilience, agile defence and quick recovery capabilities.

  • Continuous Auditing: 

    You can use continuous auditing as a mechanism for aligning internal audit activities closely with the speed of your everyday business transactions and external compliance requirements. Continuous auditing has been helping companies redirect their internal auditors' focus, allowing them to serve as business consultants by identifying trends, investigating exceptions and guiding strategy through their work.

3. By conducting an Internal Auditing Penetration Test

A penetration test or cyber maturity assessment is required for every internal audit to ensure data and information security. A penetration test is beneficial for revealing hidden vulnerabilities in your IT systems and external networks.

Packetlabs has been helping organizations with their penetration tests for over 10 years. We help you identify weaknesses others overlook while introducing new ways to evade controls in modern networks. 

We offer a tailored approach to suit each business based on their industry and needs. All of our penetration testers are OSCP, and OSEP certified. We ensure overall security by examining network security, client-side protection, system configuration, OS and third-party patching, authentication, database security, cryptography, web application security and email phishing susceptibility. 

To know more about our internal auditing penetration testing service, contact us.

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